Collection Users

Collect Group Members: Collect all members joined in the Facebook account's groups, and collect members that meet the conditions set in the software.

Collect Unknown Group Members: Enter the link address of the unknown group, and collect the members that meet the conditions set in the software (some groups have privacy settings and may not be able to collect members in non-public groups. You can choose to collect members in public groups).

Collect Homepage Fans: Collect all friends and fans of the page, set collection conditions, and during the collection process, the software will query the gender and location of the friends or fans of the page.

Note: The country condition for collection currently only supports English and Chinese, and some date formats are not supported for join time.

Usage steps: Select the logged-in Facebook account, click "Get Groups". The software will retrieve all group addresses of the logged-in account and add them to the software. After the task of getting groups is complete, select the group addresses to collect members from, set the collection conditions, and click "Start".

Usage steps: Check the logged-in Facebook account, enter the group address of the unfamiliar group members to be collected, click "Add" to add it to the software, or export it to "collect unfamiliar groups" from the group marketing. Check the group address, set the collection conditions, and click "Start”.

Usage steps: Enter the address of the personal page to be collected and click "Add" to add the address to the software> Check the personal page address> Check the logged-in Facebook account> Select the type of page members to be collected, "Collect all friends" or "Collect fans"> Set collection conditions> Click "Start"> After the collection task is completed, click "Export results" to local or click "Export to new user marketing list".

Last updated